Tips on learning Portuguese

Tips on learning Portuguese There are 7 countries in the world with Portuguese as an official language. 250 million people speak it Learning Portuguese is just like learning any new skills: it takes time and determination. Often times you will not be aware that you are improving until one day you are speaking it fluently! […]

Where to study in Portugal?

Where to study in Portugal? Portugal is a great country to do your exchange in. It offers a range of good schools in different cities across the country. This post answers the questions: Where can I study in Portugal? Which cities in Portugal are best to study in? Which cities have a fun student-life? The […]

5 reasons to study in Portugal

5 Reasons to Study in Portugal While I might be biased since I studied in Lisbon, I believe that Portugal is a great place to do your exchange or Erasmus. Below are my top 5 reasons why that is. Many students take up surfing when studying in Portugal. Image from Carcavelos beach by Sonse CC-BY2.0 […]

5 tips when studying in Portugal

5 Tips when studying in Portugal When moving to Portugal for studies, there are a number of questions you might have. This post is a short guide that will give you a number of tips to ensure you have a great time when studying in Portugal. Porto houses a few of the main universities in […]